On 29/05/16 21:33, Steve holdoway wrote:
> I won't ever recommend Rackspace though.

Interesting you'd say that...

I used to be a real fan-boy for Rackspace colo and cloud offerings but I
got burnt last year when their cloud platform dropped a group of servers
into the bit bucket along with the snapshots not being recoverable.
head -> wall.

Seems weird that you'd backup a cloud server on-premise but in this case
it saved by bacon!  I keep most of my customer platforms backed up to a
NAS on my network at home.  Belts and braces etc.

I'm just going through a re-engineering of my own dev/test stuff at home
and going down the KVM+LVM path but still hate snapshots for a
backup/recovery method after that incident.  rsync + hardlinked folders.
 Easy-peasy lemon squeasy.

Cheers, Chris H.

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