Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> writes:

> On Mon, 2015-10-26 at 16:51 +0100, Julien Cubizolles wrote:
>> I can't connect anymore to my home wifi since upgrading my machine from
>> Ubuntu 15.04 to Ubuntuy 15.10. I was previously running kernel 4.3.0-rc2
>> from kernel.org without any problem. After the upgrade, and with the
>> same kernel, I couldn't connect anymore. I built 4.3.0-rc7, and the
>> problem remains. However, I can connect to the wifi access point from my
>> Android phone.
>> Here are the relevant lines from syslog. Let me know if you need more
>> information.
> The AP uses WPA, but the driver has been told that WPA is disabled.  Are
> you using wpa_supplicant (or NetworkManager, or something else?) to
> control the WiFi, and if so what version is it?

Yes, I'm using NetworkManager, version 1.0.4-ubuntu5, and I'm guessing
it's using wpa_supplicant. I deleted the configuration for this network
and created it again. The network is configured for WPA in
NetworkManager but I still get the same error message.

Thanks for your help.

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