I sent a mail to the list 2 years ago (eep! time flies) about whether CCA
is enabled and/or working on the Econotag boards:


It seemed like Mariano had done some work to sort out CCA through work on
ContikiMAC.  I was wondering what the status of this was now.

I also went through the mc1322x development document (
http://mc1322x.devl.org/files/MC1322xRM-r0.pdf) and 6.7.2 shows access to
registers to control energy detection and CCA.  Ultimately, I want the
board I have to perform both energy detection and CCA.  It is possible to
set the energy detection threshold, but I can't find any exposure to read
the current energy values from the board.  So, I'm not sure how to ballpark
the threshold.

I'd greatly appreciate any heads up to working code before I set out to try
and work on this.

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