On Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 04:07:38PM +0000, Daniel Le wrote:
> I understand that linuxptp code base as is requires Linux kernel
> version 3.0 or newer. For platforms where kernel 3.x is not yet
> available, is it possible to backport linuxptp into a kernel
> 2.6.30+? 

(Everything is possible.)

> If so, what would need to be done?

You would need to back port the PHC subsystem.

> Does it make sense to
> modify the hardware abstraction layer to use some specific NIC FPGA
> TX/RX timestamping and driver (instead of PHC API), and keep the
> linuxptp PTP protocol stack part intact?

If you only need to support exactly one card, then that might be the
easiest way.

> I came across a discussion panel where it indicated Red Hat
> backported the linuxptp PHC API and drivers into RHEL6.5 / CentOS
> 6.5 (kernel 2.6.32).

Both Redhat and TI tried to back port the PHC subsystem, and in both
cases the result was buggy.


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