
I'm doing some experiments with linuxptp.  It's kind of a neat gadget to have 
abound, thanks.

I'd like to try adding lucky packet filters.   I think these might  be useful 
to get to improved accuracy given residual delay variations in the on-path 
support's timestamping.
The experiments also include timestamping and timekeeping mechanisms, but for 
now I wanted to talk about how to integrate the filters.

I'm having a problem fitting suitable filters into the current architecture.  
There is a disconnect between my understanding of the problem and how the 
filter class fits into the overall structure.
The details of the disconnect are as follows:

In Ptp, the upstream and downstream flows provide delay measurements.  If PDV 
makes only 10% of the measurements useful, it is the filter's job to find these 
few to use for updating the offset estimate.

The two flows are statistically independent.  This says that although the 
individual odds of finding a useful measurement is 10%, the joint odds of 
finding a pair of good measurements is 10% squared or 1%.

This says that you get to keep many more useful measurements if the upstream 
and downstream experiment streams are filtered separately.

To support separate filtering and give the filter access to everything it 
needs, I think what I would like to see is the following refactoring and see 
how it works out:

Change the argument list for filter_create  to add an indication of which 
filter is being created, and pointers to the clock_type and config.

Change the argument list for filter_sample to be local time of the experiment 
and observed delay.  Return value would be filtered delay. Where delay is 
rxtimestamp - txtimestamp with corrections.

Change port.c to create two filters and use them on the one-way measurements 
before calling clock_synchronize and clock_path_delay.

The goal is to support improved filtering without breaking all that is 
currently supported.
I think it wise to leave in the current single filter for the combined RTT with 
a config flag to switch the new calling locations.

Any interest in such a path?
If so, not sure what the mechanics you prefer.


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