On 7/22/2020 5:07 PM, Richard Cochran wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 09:57:35AM +1000, Luke Howard wrote:
>> Possibly an extension to pmc(8) for emitting JSON would better suit your use 
>> case, depends on how your application is structured I guess?
> You can pipe the pmc output through a script (python, etc) that emits json.
> That might cover simple use cases.
> For more complex monitoring, I would, in fact, recommend developing
> your own client logic.
> The pmc program is super simple on purpose, and it is meant as an
> example.  Trying to make a monitoring client/library that satisfies
> everyone's needs will get very complicated very fast!
> Thanks,
> Richard
> Agreed.

I'm not personally against having JSON output as an option, but it also
doesn't seem that much more useful beyond simply writing your own tool
that does more complex logic.

The messages are standardized and use TLV format so writing your own
send/receive bits would not be too difficult. Plus, if you don't mind
GPL you can just simply fork and port pmc into whatever language you prefer.


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