On 17 Mar 2021 at 13:04, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
> Right, but in most cases I see people are interested in the accuracy
> and stability of the system clock. There don't seem to be many
> applications using hardware timestamps of the PHC.
> In some cases a sub-microsecond accuracy is required. The CPU<->NIC
> connection is the most problematic link in the chain. You can buy
> switches with good PTP support and compensate for asymmetric errors in
> hardware timestamping to get the PHC accurate to few nanoseconds, but
> due to the huge PCIe latency with an unknown asymmetry it's difficult
> to tell how accurate the system clock actually is. With the same NIC
> but different CPUs/boards you can get very different results.
> > As for getting the Linux system timebase precise, I guess the random
> > component to ISR latency has several contributing factors, the PCI-e
> > bus latency being only one of them...
> Normally there should be no interrupts involved. The time critical
> part is just a single read of a 32-bit PCI register. With the I210
> that takes about 1700 ns and the asymmetry in my measurements was up
> to about 100 ns. The shortest delay I saw with faster NICs was about
> 450 ns, asymmetry unknown.
Thanks for all the data and clarifications :-)
That's interesting...

I'm not sure the PTM (that you have mentioned previously) will help 
with asymmetry. You characterize the mechanism as "NTP-like". I'm not 
a member of the the PCI-SIG, and the only clear text about the PTM 
that can be found in Google is some change notice by the PCI-SIG from 
back in 2013, referring to PTM v1.0a. 


That paper clearly says (I'm quoting): 

"Therefore ((t4 - t1) - (t3 - t2)) effectively gives the round trip 
message transit time between the two components, and that quantity 
divided by 2 approximates the Link delay - the time difference 
between t1 and t2. It is assumed that the Link transit times from PTM 
Requester to PTM Responder and back again are symmetric,   
which is typically a good assumption."

The current revision listed at the PCI-SIG website is v4.0.
Which makes me wonder if this assumption is still considered valid 

I understand that apart from the NIC (peripheral device / endpoint 
function in general), PTM must also be supported by the root complex 
and any PCI-e switches along the path... so a PTM-capable NIC alone 
will not even suffice for this simple NTP-style mechanism to 
function, if the host chipset is unaware of PTM.

To account for asymmetry, the mechanism would have to resemble PTP = 
there would have to be a correction field in the PCI-e messages and 
the PCI-e switches would have to work like PTP TC switches :-)


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