On 04/05/2021 10:16, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
> On Tue, May 04, 2021 at 04:43:51PM +0900, 박웅섭 wrote:
>> 1.In the text->length=c->desc.userDescription.length part of clock.c line
>> 368, the length declared in the static_ptp_text structure is of type signed
>> int and the length declared in the text structure is unsigned int. Why did
>> you write the code like this? Assigning Signed integers to unsigned
>> integers can lead to overflow problems.
> In my copy of the code the length field of the PTPText structure is
> uint8_t. It's a structure used in the network protocol.

Yes, Miroslav is right. PTPText uses unsigned 8 bits as specify in IEEE 
As text length is positive or zero. Why should it be a problem?
Look on static_ptp_text_set() the length is set using strlen() which is 
possitive or zero and the maximum length is 255.

/* A static_ptp_text is like a PTPText but includes space to store the
  * text inside the struct. The text array must always be
  * null-terminated. Also tracks a maximum number of symbols. Note in
  * UTF-8, # symbols != # bytes.
#define MAX_PTP_OCTETS 255

I assume static_ptp_text uses int for simlicity. But the length value is 
bound to unsigned 8 bits, 0 to 255.

>> 2. The memcpy function is vulnerable to security. Wouldn't it be correct to
>> use memcpy_s instead of memcpy function?
> Isn't that a Windows-only function?

No, C11

However, the make file does not specify standard.
Perhaps some users defer C11.


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