On Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 05:37:10PM +0200, Erez wrote:
> I do hope my project https://sf.net/p/libptpmgmt/, does help to fill this
> gap and helps with reducing the overhead from this project.
> phc2sys can be implemented with libptpmgmt.
> I already cloned pmc with libptpmgmt.
> Maybe it is time that this project focuses on ptp4l and let other
> applications have their own projects.

phc2sys shares quite a lot of code with ptp4l, it's not just the
PTP management support. It it was a separate project, it would need to
duplicate the code, or linuxptp would need to provide and maintain a

If some components had a different maintainer, it doesn't mean it has
to be a separate project or repository.

Miroslav Lichvar

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