On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 09:18:34AM +0200, Boris Boucher wrote:
> I also swear that I may also have a problem during system startup, if the
> serveur is started before the master clock, it may
> start to broadcast a time with the wrong UTC offset until the GM is ready.

Be sure to check the value of currentUtcOffsetValid.  If zero, then
the offset should be ignored.
> Richard, I understand that the daemon should write the received offset on a
> persistant storage on use it on startup, regardless
> of the actual time zone or hardcoded info ? Is it a difficult modification
> to implement in the daemon ?

No, it doesn't make sense to automatically store the offset.  Why?
Because when the program starts again, there is no guarantee that one
or more new leap seconds have occurred, and there is no way to know,
except via the network.

Having said that, if you can verify the offset before starting ptp4l,
then you can provide it via the utc_offset configuration file option
or the --utc_offset=x command line switch.


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