On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Chris Bagwell <ch...@cnpbagwell.com> wrote:
>> Using xsetwacom and setting ScrollDistance to 180 (or thereabouts)
>> yields the kind of scrolling I would expect.  This is really excellent
>> Chris, the best it has been.
> Hmm, I'm a little confused on that.  Isn't your original value 600 or
> greater than that?
> Did lowering the value slow down scrolling, speed it up, or stop some
> infinite scrolling?
> If it didn't speed it up then there must be some secondary bug I need
> to investigate.
> Chris

Sorry Chris, my fault.

I forgot I had been doing some testing in my Natty partition.  When I
originally reported that scroll was too fast that was with a
ScrollDistance set near the old default of 20 in my
52-wacom-options.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.

With your current patches in gesture3 I get a default of  667.  For my
taste that has the opposite problem in that the scroll is too slow.
So 180 picks it right up.  That may be a little fast and I might
settle on 220 or something.

The upshot is I think you could halve the default.  For me that would
amount to about 330.  That is still a little slow for my taste but I
think it would be a reasonable default for the driver.


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