>>>>  Note that while it is conceivable that a Map-Resolver could cache
>>>>  responses to improve performance, issues surrounding cache management
>>>>  will need to be resolved so that doing so will be reliable and
>>>>  practical.  As initially deployed, Map-Resolvers will operate only in
>>>>  a non-caching mode, decapsulating and forwarding Encapsulated Map
>>>>  Requests received from ITRs.  Any specification of caching
>>>>  functionality is left for future work.
>>> s/left for future work/ out of the scope of this document/
> You do not agree with this suggestion? Sounds more neutral to me.

I didn’t disagree. I think I missed it. Will fix.

>>>>  Values in the "Not Assigned" range can be assigned according to
>>>>  procedures in [RFC8126].  Documents that request for a new LISP
>>>>  packet type MAY indicate a preferred value in Section 10.4.
>>> Don’t understand the “in Section 10.4” part. Should be deleted.
>> This was added when we were writing draft-ietf-lisp-type-iana (RFC8113). It 
>> was a request from someone (not Mohammad) I think. Didn’t change.
> I am not against the sentence, is just the "Section 10.4” part, why should a 
> document indicate a preference in a section 10.4?????
> If you change the sentence to:
> Values in the "Not Assigned" range can be assigned according to
>  procedures in [RFC8126].  Documents that request for a new LISP
>  packet type MAY indicate a preferred value.

Fine with me. I’ll change.

Should I submit the new draft now?


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