Ellen and all,

Ellen Rony wrote:

> Bill Lovell wrote:
> > There are people in this group who are
> >very sensitive to this sort of thing: the admixture of gray ribbons
> >and book selling seemed inappropriate to many, including the
> >one who sells the books. . .
> Mr. Lovell,
> I have participated on the this list since its inception and the domain
> policy list since July 1996, long before my book was published.  Most of
> those on these lists know me not as "the one who sells books" but as
> someone deeply interested in domain name issues and willing to commit
> substantial time and energy in giving visibility to the changes affecting
> this area of the Internet.

  Ellen is correct in that she has participated on the Domain Policy list
for some time and has shown an interest in the DNS issues since
sometime in 1996, however she is still a bit of a late comer...

> Yes, my domainnamehandbook.com site does lead to an order location on the
> Internet.  Yes, the site does include a Table of Contents so that potential
> purchasers can see what they are getting before investing the grand sum of
> $31.96 for the 645-page book.  But my 50+ page website has a great deal of
> other information, such as IFWP and DNS news reports, domain name disputes,
> policies, and bylaws proposals. Among the most frequently visited web page
> is the one that honors the memory of Jon Postel
> (domainhandbook.com/postel.html).

  Ellen is also accurate in her declarations here as well although she has
been extremely one sided on her site regarding DNS policy disputes and
bylaws proposals in particular.  This has been pointed out on more
than one occasion and is well documented on various E-Mail Lists
as well.

> If you go to
> domainhandbook.com/reviews.html, you will see a not-inclusive list of other
> sites that cite my site.

  This is categorically inaccurate Ellen, and you are well aware o it.

> They don't do this because I sell books.  They do
> this because the content I provide is informative and useful.

  All be is slanted and one sided.

> Your late and loud arrival on this list, with complaints about my
> involvement as a bookseller, gets no hurrahs from me.

Small wonder.

> If your complaints
> were evenly distributed,  you would have to argue against the participation
> of every registrar, attorney, web designer, and Internet service provider
> who participates on the list but also maintains a web presence.  The
> services or products we all provide may be infused in our messages, may
> often lend credibility to expertise on a particular topic being discussed,
> but they aren't the message itself.  That is what separates advertising,
> and spam, from subscriber participation.  This is what separates current
> topics from an  attempt to co-opt this list for IPv8 discussion, by telling
> us all, by virtue of doing nothing, we have now joined that list.  Sheesh.

  IPv8 is a part of these debates/discussions and has been for several years
now.  It is these types of comments by Mz Roney, that easily characterize her
in a very distinct manner to be sure.

> The grey ribbon campaign is an advocacy statement.  It has nothing to do
> with commercialism, spam, or vested interest.

  And it is an excellent idea an method of making a statement...

> It's merely a way of
> focusing visible support for open ICANN board meetings.  It emerged from
> discussions on this list, and while I don't think it speaks for the entire
> list membership, it's certainly an appropriate topic since the transfer of
> DNS aministration to the private sector was supposed to be built on
> openness and transparency.  Many of us find those qualities lacking in
> ICANN, and since the board has been unresponsive to our frequent complaints
> about this, my approach is to let others in cyberspace know what is
> happening.  A grey ribbon campaign is a reasonable, informative, creative
> way of doing so.  N'est-ce pas?
> Ellen Rony                                                     Co-author
> The Domain Name Handbook                   http://www.domainhandbook.com
> ================================  // ===================================
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> [EMAIL PROTECTED]             \     )                    Tiburon, CA
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