On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:

> At 09:49 PM 2/7/99 -0500, Michael Sondow wrote:
>> John B. Reynolds a écrit:
>>> Every domain name holder directly or indirectly administers a DNS zone
>>> file.  Are you sure you're not confusing "DNS zone" with "root zone"?
>> No, the domain holders don't administer zone files. That's done by the
>> ISPs and the layers above them in the hierarchy. My name isn't in my
>> ISP's permissions file for changing RRs. I have no control over the MX
>> records, or the CNAME aliases, or who is the secondary NS, or anything
>> else to do with the zone files. I've been reading the BIND manual in
>> my spare time. You can't kid me.
> Hello Michael,
> Not only do I manage all three MHSC zone files (MHSC.COM, MHSC.NET, and
> MHSC-SYSTEMS.COM), I also manage the DNSO.NET zone and my own IN-ADDR.ARPA
> zone. It doesn't stop there, I also run the ORSC root.zone. That's public
> access. In addition I have three private zones for our internal VPN usage,
> that are only accessible from within MHSC.NET, via private name servers.
> Anyone with knowledge, a Unix system, and a full-time Internet connection
> can do the same. One does not have to be an ISP. Pacific Bell, MCI, and
> Wells Fargo Bank also control their own zone files.

I am not an ISP.  I run my own root zone and nameservers which I use, and
which are used by several other people who want to use their own TLD's,
mostly to stop spamming.  I delegate the TLD's to them directly, and they
control the zone files for them, yet they don't lose their ability to use
.com, .net, .gov, etc.

Alex Kamantauskas
Tugger Networks

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