On Tue, 2011-03-15 at 13:54 -0400, Michael A. Knox wrote:
> > "Exit" screen. the lua_ folder is removed by that point but /tmp is still
> > intact.
> Ahh, I wasn't looking at the /tmp folder while the installer was
> waiting on the "Exit" screen, so I didn't see it sitting there. Thanks.
> That let me get the .deb file, and now the printer works. I still have
> to get the scanner going, though. Why not just make an x64 driver for
> Linux? Oh, well. At least there's a Linux driver.

Porting stuff from 32bit to 64bit is not as straight forward as one
might think or assume. Not to mention most any 32bit stuff should run in
64bit, providing the necessary libraries are there.

William L. Thomson Jr.
Obsidian-Studios, Inc.

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