Probably not a help but I run AMD64 Debian Wheezy and also besides having the 64 libs running, I installed the ia32-libs and ia32-libs for GTK for any items which need the i386 libraries. Don't know if this will help or not but worth looking into if you already haven't.


On 03/15/2011 02:50 PM, Michael A. Knox wrote:
William Thompson wrote:

Porting stuff from 32bit to 64bit is not as straight forward as one
might think or assume. Not to mention most any 32bit stuff should run in
64bit, providing the necessary libraries are there.
True, but the problem here isn't porting the drivers to x64, but simply
correcting the installer's inability to allow the installation to
proceed when it detects an x64 OS. That's just a few lines of code.

Of course, this discussion has me wondering if I could replace the dpkg
binary with a script that would run dpkg with --force-architecture set,
although I'm not sure that the catch routine is in dpkg or within the
script itself. Installing the .deb by itself worked, sort of, but the
scanner is dead and the printer is monochrome only even when set for
color, which tells me that I need to figure out to get the installer to
run without choking on the x64 architecture.

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