Hello all -

Historically, I've used the Alix 2d3/2d13 boards - these have three
interfaces, and have worked perfectly for me. I now have an instance
where I'm going to need triple-wan capabilities, and am wondering what
options and/or recommendations are out there for this situation. I
would prefer to stick with an embedded setup if possible.

I guess the other question I have is: instead of looking for a
quad-interface board, can I accomplish the same thing by just adding
an 802.1q switch and trunking a couple of the WAN circuits through the
switch? I would imagine keeping each individual WAN circuit on its own
VLAD ID would be the only way to do this is a secure and reliable
fashion. A couple of the WAN circuits will be ADSL, requiring PPPoE
negotiation - I'm not sure if this changes anything with regards to
being able to terminate the circuit at a switch instead of directly in
one of the router interfaces.

Thank you!
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