Hi all,

The other day I got bitten by a change my ISP did.
Basically they changed some networking around, and as part of doing
that, they changed the default gateway.

My box got its IP and GW from the DHCP server.
Then they changed the DHCP server to serve the exact same information
- except the GW was changed (x.x.x.1 -> x.x.x.2).
The old GW continued working for a good long while, and so I didn't
notice anything adverse at first.
Finally some time later (several days I believe), they killed the
x.x.x.1 GW ... and all my traffic ground to a halt.

I could ping the (new) GW they delivered to me since it was on the
same subnet as my WAN ... but DNS and any routed data was broken.
I could release the DHCP lease, and get a new one ... but routing
continued to be broken.
Clearing the state table had no effect either.

Not knowing what the cause of the problem was, I ended up rebooting
pfSense box - and that fixed the problem.

Now my question is: Why might pfSense have failed to work after the GW changed?

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