On Mar 27, 2014 4:22 PM, "Chris Bagnall" <pfse...@lists.minotaur.cc> wrote:

> On 27/3/14 8:17 pm, Walter Parker wrote:
>> That's what I would recommend. The VPN can serve as a second gateway to
>> protect the RDP from the outside world, so you could pitch this solution
>> as
>> higher security method of network access.
> This.
> There seem to be lots of dictionary attacks against RDP servers these
> days, to the extent that even a server with strong passwords can still end
> up DOSing a connection because of the bandwidth required to reject the
> login attempts.
> As an aside, does anyone know of something similar to fail2ban or
> denyhosts for Windows machines? :-)
> Kind regards,
> Chris

There are several tools that work like fail2ban/denyhosts for Windows.

A commercial one that apparently works pretty well is called RdpGuard.
 (Despite the name, it also supports SQL and FTP blocking).
You could also try ts_block (https://github.com/EvanAnderson/ts_block),
fail2ban with a helper script (
EvlWatcher (
a VBScript/PowerShell solution (
IPBan (http://www.digitalruby.com/securing-your-windows-dedicated-server/),
QaasWall (http://sourceforge.net/projects/qaaswall-window/), or one of a
ton of other solutions.

Disclaimer: I have not tried all of these myself, but I did this research a
year or two ago and this is what I found.

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