----- Original Message ----- 
> I'll put here the amount of info that I can before my server's
> security may be compromised.

> I want to install pfsense to an server that's hosted by ProfitBrick
> and using KVM as virtualization enviroment which may became a
> problem.

> It has two nics. One for WAN and one for LAN.

> The need for it is just simple as providing firewall and NAT(If
> needed.) to the local network which has some servers that are not
> and will not be on the public network directly.

> The install goes fine, but the problems start becaming visible when
> I'm trying to configure it.

What type of NIC emulation is the KVM VM providing? e1000 would be best, 
followed by virtio, then possibly rtl8139. Of course, that is coming from my 
experience with using KVM via Proxmox VE, not KVM in a manual or 'cloud' 
environment such as Profitbrick.

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