On 05/06/2014 12:27 PM, David Newman wrote:

On 5/6/14, 10:24 AM, Jeremy Porter wrote:
I've posted in a separate thread about issues with upgrading, even with
a 4 GB card. This is an on Alix 2d13 with 256 Mbytes of RAM.

Both from the GUI and the serial console, it appears that the new image
successfully downloads and installs into the second partition, but the
second partition won't boot.

The boot method _might_ be an issue. When flashing CF cards in the past,
I've followed the instructions here about changing from packet to
nopacket boot methods:


But that's on WRAP, and 2d13 isn't a WRAP board, so I don't know for
sure why the upgrade isn't booting.



The CF images should have the correct settings set for CF card.  However
the upgrade process takes
a fair amount of ram.  The best bet is to disable any extra services
during the upgrade.
The RAM size issue is different than the CF card size issue.  The RAM
size issue, is simply running out of available memory to run the upgrade
process and boot up.
The 512CF card issue, is that the pfsense image is around 190MBs, times
two plus a 50MB configuration partition.  There isn't enough room to
unpack the image and do the upgrades.

In either case, you can backup your configuration, to your local server,
then re-flash the CF card, then restore your configuration.

If the upgrade fails its helpful to look at the upgrade log file, to see
why it failed.  Usually it fails due to pointing to an invalid URL and
failing to validate, or package errors.
Thanks, that makes sense. I had tried disabling all services except dns
forwarding, and still no go.

Bottom line: For reasons of scarce disk or RAM or both, PC Engines Alix
machines running pfSense probably need to be upgraded manually.


I upgraded my Alix 2d3 board yesterday. Using the autoupdate, it took only 4 minutes to load up the pf itself, but another 45 minutes to reload the packages (asterisk..) - these times are taken from the system log after it came back up.

Perhaps you have big packages and are not waiting long enough?

Bob G
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