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On 10/9/2014 12:30 PM, Jorge Severino wrote:

2014-10-09 13:32 GMT-03:00 Aaron C. de Bruyn <aa...@heyaaron.com <mailto:aa...@heyaaron.com>>:

    In most of my client networks, there is an internal exchange
    server and an external spam filter / mail gateway.

    I use floating rules to allow all SMTP traffic to the spam filter,
    and all SMTP traffic to the Exchange servers, then I block all
    other SMTP.

    Viruses trying to send mail out to various SMTP servers on the net
    get blocked (because it's not going through the spam gateway) and
    the Exchange server requires authenticated SMTP.

    This makes it easy to set things like copiers (which usually have
    horridly complex SMTP support with little or no logging other than
    "something went wrong) and various linux/unix boxes to use our
    spam filter as an unauthenticated relay, and viruses using SMTP
    can only talk to Exchange or the spam filter.  Either way, it's
    fairly easy to figure out which host is spewing mail by looking at
    the Exchange or Postfix logs.  It's also fairly easy to rate-limit
    or block hosts that send more than 100 messages in an hour.

    Use floating rules to accomplish the task.  For example:
    * Apply immediately on match, accept tcp/25 from any to exchange ip
    * Apply immediately on match, accept tcp/25 from any to spam filter ip
    * Apply immediately on match, reject tcp/25 from any to any


    On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 4:05 AM, Mikey van der Worp
    <mvdw...@utelisys.com <mailto:mvdw...@utelisys.com>> wrote:

        To whom it may concern,

        Today I have come to you with the question on how to block
        users from spamming with smtp/25, behind *_NAT_* and the IP of
        PfSense (< NAT). We do not wish/want to block the entire SMTP
        traffic in the private range to the world, because there are
        important clients behind the pfSense, who actually behave
        normally, we thought about forcing all the SMTP traffic to be
        redirected trough the pfsense machine, so it can be
        scanned/blocked. (even when the user decides not to do this
        and want to use their own SMTP server). Is there some
        documentation for this or rate-limiting available? Do you
        might have any solutions for the problem described above?

        The current situation causes our server to be blocked at

        Hopefully somebody can help me out!

        Thanks in advance,

        Mikey van der Worp


        *Mikey van der Worp

        System Administrator

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Jorge Severino
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