On 09/03/15 11:23, Brian Candler wrote:
On 09/03/2015 10:10, Bryan D. wrote:
Nope, it's a fully functioning setup (has been, in this form, for a few years) ... just wanted to switch off CARP VIPs since I'm not using failover. The only question is why won't IP Alias VIPs replace the CARP VIPs?
If these extra addresses belong on the firewall's outside (WAN) subnet, then they need to respond to ARP. As far as I can see, both Proxy ARP VIP and IP Alias VIP ought to work for this.

I have one firewall with a similar setup here (extra public IP for inbound NAT), and it uses a Proxy ARP VIP. And I have another firewall which is using an IP Alias VIP, in this case attached to a WAN-CARP interface. Both are working.

As long as all these NAT rules are attached to "WAN" interface, and your VIP is also attached to "WAN" interface, I can't see why it wouldn't work. As others have said - changing the type while the firewall is running might break things. Possibly deleting it and then re-adding it would be better, but that's only a guess. If minimising downtime is important then simulate the configuration in a virtual environment first.



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A CARP address has it's own MAC. The IP alias shares the MAC of it's parent interface. If you change this while running, your upstream routers/switches will have the wrong MAC address for your IP cached.
Sending a GARP might help with this.
Or simply wait for the caches to expire. (This "can" take a long time)

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