Morning all.

Since i like being on the "bleeding edge" of technology, as soon as the new 
version of PFSense 2.2.1 was released yesterday, i downloaded and installed it 
on my existing 2.2 box. I told it to do a full backup before installing, 
waiting about 10 min and heard my server reboot (2 or 3 beeps, then lots of 
fans, then about 5 min later the usual PFSense "boot" charms).

I was looking at the boot sequence over KVMoIP and it started to install 
packages in the background. this took another 10 min... and all was good.

This morning i logged into the box (both over kvm and web interface) and the 
web gives me the following notice:

Packages are currently being reinstalled in the background.
Do not make changes in the GUI until this is complete.

but there is nothing showing on the console... Im not in the house currently, 
so rebooting is iffy (and i wont have KVM access if i do reboot). is it a good 
idea to reboot if this shows? any idea whats going on here?



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