Hi all :-)

I need to create some rules to allow BIND internal server network makes recursive queries: I've iptables rules but I've some problem with PF :-(

Can someone "transalte" these rules to pfsense?

for processing DNS queries:

iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT 2 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

and for sendind responses back to client

iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 53:65535 --dport 53 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 53:65535 --dport 53 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

thanks for help!

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