Good morning to all.

I am slightly confused about an aspect. Here is the scenerio.

relevant details
Version     2.4.2-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Mon Nov 20 08:12:56 CST 2017
FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p4

hardware: Vendor: Dell Inc.
Version: A15
Release Date: Mon Aug 12 2013

I am trying to create a floating rule that would allow ssh incoming
connections from a bunch of IPs (table: safeSources) to the various public
IP/interface attached to the pfsense box itself. I am looking at two
interfaces here, em0 and em5

If I create a floating rule, select more than one interface with public IP
on it, the generated rules are like (taken from pfctl -sa)
anchor "userrules/*" all
pass in log quick on em0 inet proto tcp from <safeSources> to (self) port =
ssh flags S/SA keep state label "USER_RULE: allow portsMGMT from
pass in log quick on em0 inet proto tcp from <safeSources> to (self) port =
https flags S/SA keep state label "USER_RULE: allow portsMGMT from
pass in log quick on em5 inet proto tcp from <safeSources> to (self) port =
ssh flags S/SA keep state label "USER_RULE: allow portsMGMT from
pass in log quick on em5 inet proto tcp from <safeSources> to (self) port =
https flags S/SA keep state label "USER_RULE: allow portsMGMT from
pass in quick on lagg0 inet from to any flags S/SA keep
state label "USER_RULE: Default allow LAN to any rule"
anchor "tftp-proxy/*" all
No queue in use

If I do the same, but select only one interface, then the rules are like
(again, from pfctl -sa)
anchor "userrules/*" all
pass in log quick on em5 reply-to (em5 inet proto tcp from
<safeSources> to (self) port = ssh flags S/SA keep state label "USER_RULE:
allow portsMGMT from safeSources"
pass in log quick on em5 reply-to (em5 inet proto tcp from
<safeSources> to (self) port = https flags S/SA keep state label
"USER_RULE: allow portsMGMT from safeSources"
pass in quick on lagg0 inet from to any flags S/SA keep
state label "USER_RULE: Default allow LAN to any rule"
anchor "tftp-proxy/*" all
No queue in use


anchor "userrules/*" all
pass in log quick on em0 reply-to (em0 inet proto tcp from
<safeSources> to (self) port = ssh flags S/SA keep state label "USER_RULE:
allow portsMGMT from safeSources"
pass in log quick on em0 reply-to (em0 inet proto tcp from
<safeSources> to (self) port = https flags S/SA keep state label
"USER_RULE: allow portsMGMT from safeSources"
pass in quick on lagg0 inet from to any flags S/SA keep
state label "USER_RULE: Default allow LAN to any rule"
anchor "tftp-proxy/*" all
No queue in use


Now, if I select multiple interfaces, since there is no reply-to on the
rule, I am unable to communicate with the pfsense box from outside. Which
makes me wonder, am I misunderstanding the purpose/functionality of
floating rules entirely? I know one good thing about them is to be able to
add "quick" so the rules are checked before other interface bound ones, but
is this also not a feature (i.e., put same rule for multiple interfaces in
one go)?

Would appreciate if someone could please shed some light on this.

Thanks and regards
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