On 12/5/2017 5:34 AM, Shamim Shahriar wrote:
> Now, if I select multiple interfaces, since there is no reply-to on the
> rule, I am unable to communicate with the pfsense box from outside. Which
> makes me wonder, am I misunderstanding the purpose/functionality of
> floating rules entirely? I know one good thing about them is to be able to
> add "quick" so the rules are checked before other interface bound ones, but
> is this also not a feature (i.e., put same rule for multiple interfaces in
> one go)?

What you are seeing is expected behavior. If you have multiple
interfaces selected, it cannot possibly use reply-to because it can't
specify reply-to on rules for multiple interfaces. Interface groups have
the same limitation.

If you need reply-to, the rules must only apply to a single interface.

For that reason, multiple interface rules (groups or floating) are
primarily useful only for internal interfaces.

Jim P.
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