Sounds like a bug:


On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 11:33 AM, Fabian Bosch <>

> Same here on v*2.3.3 *and even after update to v*2.4.3
> *Any news on this?*
> *
> regards,
> Fabian
> Am 02.04.2018 um 05:04 schrieb Travis Hansen:
>> I'm seeing this same issue on 2 separate 2.3.x boxes the last couple days
>> as well that haven't been tampered with in ages.  Something strange going
>> on for sure..
>> Travis
>>      On Sunday, April 1, 2018, 5:35:32 PM MDT, Victor Padro <
>>> wrote:
>>     Don't think so, since I'm not using IPv6 and the issue wasn't there in
>> version 2.4.2, looks to me it's something else, but haven't dug in deeper
>> since that occured to me early this morning and changing that value helped
>> me too, I saw that recommendation in the pfsense reddit site while
>> troubleshooting a reinstall I had to do urgently.
>> On Sun, Apr 1, 2018 at 5:25 PM, Olivier Mascia <> wrote:
>> Thanks Victor,
>>> On Sun, Apr 1, 2018 at 4:46 PM, Olivier Mascia <> wrote:
>>>> Since I have upgraded 2 HW box and 2 VMs to 2.4.3 I have started seeing
>>>>> such occasionally:
>>>>> 0:40:54 There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:22:
>>>> cannot
>>>> define table bogonsv6: Cannot allocate memory - The line in question
>>>> reads
>>>> [22]: table <bogonsv6> persist file "/etc/bogonsv6"
>>>>> Is there a known bug/quirk at work here?
>>> Le 2 avr. 2018 à 01:05, Victor Padro <> a écrit :
>>>> Change the value of the Firewall Maximum Table Entries to 500000 in
>>> System
>>>> | Advanced | Firewall & NAT
>>> Indeed it then reloads filter cleanly.  The default (empty) is said to be
>>> 200'000. So 500'000 is a large change from default.  Is that the default
>>> is
>>> now highly underestimated and should/will be raised later or that this
>>> needs be significantly higher than default only because I use IPv6 and
>>> have
>>> Block logon networks checked?
>>> --
>>> Best Regards, Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten,
>>> Olivier Mascia
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