
a while ago I successfully manage to setup a VPN connect on pfSense. I
was a great success as it took me a while to get it working. I followed
the guide here:

I have a wired network on where I have my desktop and other
wired devices. Then i have a wireless network where a access
point is connected to the pfSense router.

Now, with time, I've realised that its not very flexible in that I'm
having to manually disable rules etc. to get things working and then
re-activate them to switch usage. I want to make things a but more
flexible without losing functionality.

In the above guide, under "Additional steps to route WAN through
tunnel", where you create the firewall rule to route the traffic from
the created alias ( through the VPN tunnel, this rule
works well when I want to route traffic from my desktop (on the network) to the internet, whether through the VPN or through
normal ISP.

However, this is preventing me from pinging my mobile phones on the network. In fact, as soon as I disable the alias rule above,
I can ping my mobiles but then I can't browser the internet from my
desktop on the network. This is leading me to having to
disable/re-enable the rule everytime I have to swith between having to
reach my mobile or having to reach the internet from the desktop. This
alias is not stopping me from pinging the desktop from my mobile. I
guess the tutorial was set up non-complex usage in mind. But how can i
make this a but more flexible so that internt traffic can go down the
VPN and local traffic between different LANs are not affected?

I hope I've explained my problem well enough.

Many thanks


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