> Eventually, there will be several layers in the words hierarchy...
>   System-globals
>   User-globals
>   Module-globals (multiple modules allowed)
> The mechanism is similar to REBOL's objects... but will provide the ability to
make certain words visible and others not.

1) oooh great :-) So, what's going to be stored in system/user/words? All words
all my scripts I run? So it should be
"easily" possible to unload scripts, no?

foreach word system/user/words [unset word]

2) what's stored in system/script/ ? It seems to me, there is always the last
script which had been ran stored.
system/script/parent - interesting - so IIRC, if my script contains do
%another-one.r, the whole hierarchy of scripts, their
word etc. is going to be stored at system/script?

it seems so :-):

    Title: "Script number 1"
    Date:  5-May-1999/7:34:03+1:00

print system/script/title

do %pokus2.r

    Title: "Script number 2"
    Date:  5-May-1999/7:34:03+1:00

print system/script/title

print ["And parent script? " system/script/parent/title]

->> do %pokus.r
Script: "Script number 1" (5-May-1999/7:34:03+1:00)
Script number 1
Script: "Script number 2" (5-May-1999/7:34:03+1:00)
Script number 2
And parent script?  Script number 1

->> print system/script/parent/title
System Object Browser
->> print system/script/title
Úprava pro rychlejší stahováná emailů s Netscapem ....

Huh :-) where are my two scripts %pokus and %pokus2 ???
OK, now I understand - once you read first script in the console, it's top paren
script .... each other script, run from
console or called from the inside of entire script, is stored as a child ...

Or am I wrong? :-)

3) what version of REBOL is going to introduce modules?



> -Carl

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