OK, OK I have been dually chastized :-)

The point that I was trying to make was:  I feel that were REBOL to follow 
the pricing/Marketing example of Turbo Pascal, and price their product so 
that it is redally available to the masses combined with a top notched 
marketing plan I believe that they stand the best chance of being pull 
volted to success.

I then made the most gregious error of mentioning BE.  I appologize if I 
offended the BE lovers of the world :-)  BUT! I still belive that BE would 
be much futher along if they were to throw copies of their operating system 
out of a plane over every university campus in the free world.  I believe 
that it is the college geeks that are responsible for Turbo Pascal becoming 
as popular as it was, in it's day.  I believe that it it is the college 
geeks that are responsible for LINUX achieving the level of popularity that 
it enjoys today.  And I also believe that BE will never see the level of 
success that it could simply because the owners are not willing to romance 
the college set.  I think this is very short sighted of them; and will 
retard if not not dwarf their seccuss.

These are the people that are going to be tomarrows decision makers.  And it 
has been shown time and again that the students at the colleges and 
universities can catapalt a product into the nirvania of success or into the 
toilet; which ever.

REBOL is a product, in my opinion, that would benefit greatly from an 
intimate relationship with the geekdom.  I don't know their finances so I 
can't suggest how much they would be able to give; but I would encourge the 
owners to give to the university set until it hurts.  I honestly believe 
that the returns down the road would be greater than any temperary suffering 

So again my apologies to the powers that be of BE.  I am deeply contrite and 

OK moderately so any way :-)

Paul A. Porter

>Subject: [REBOL] Re: DONT MAKE IT COMMERCIAL!!!! Re:(9)
>Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 2:41:12 -0600
>And this price for a full (fresh install) version is a full $40 less than
>the cheapest UPGRADE version of Windows 95/98 I've seen, and a greater
>difference against full versions of Windows.  I won't be bothering with it
>since I'm playing with Linux (and Win95, and using Amiga).

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