
I've been following this thread (though it goes over my head a bit) with
interest, but with this one you guys have lost me! =)

First of all what are Fibonnacci numbers?

Second, perhaps someone could explain to me what Ladislav's code does?

> -----Original Message-----
> I calculate the Fibonnacci numbers without recursion using REBOL. For
> example
> >> fib 100
> == 3.54224848179262E+20
> >>
> How would you calculate it with recursion?
> Jerry
> fib: func [first second n] [
>     either n = 1 [first] [
>         either n = 2 [second] [
>             fib second first + second n - 1
>             ]
>         ]
>     ]
> >> fib 1.0 1.0 100
> == 3.54224848179262E+20
> Ladislav

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