Christian Montoya wrote:
> On 4/10/06, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm particularly interested in the "behavior" of the boxes with drop
>> shadow on the home page across browsers.
> They look fine in FF 1.5 Win but they are off to the right in Opera 8
> Win. I don't know if others have this problem in Opera 8, it might
> just be my machine which has a problem with the DPI.

Hi Christian,
Your machine is fine. Opera renders the exact same thing as IE does, the
difference is that I was able to use a Conditional Comment to take care of
that "shift" in IE (I just won't make the extra effort for Opera).

> I should also mention that these drop-shadows make me sick to my
> stomach. I think it is because they do not look realistic but (I
> presume unintentionally) create a sort of optical-illusion. The boxes
> look flat but they have a shadow that appears curved. I would go for
> some more traditional drop-shadows.

The "effect" I was after is that the 2 bottom corners look like they are
"up"; but mostly I was testing a DOM solution to keep the markup clean.

Thierry |

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