Joseph Bernhardt wrote:

I researched the mod-rewrite on the apache site and it looks overwhelmingly difficult for someone like me :).
Yeah, mod_rewrite on Apache is VooDoo. You could look for a host that uses lighttpd, the rewrite module makes more sense from my perspective.

I outsource my hosting and do not have direct access to my server. Will the mod-rewrite be possible in this case?
It will depend on your hosting company but you should be able to put rewrite directives in .htaccess

Also, is knowledge of Perl an extreme must? I know very, very little Perl.
        You only really need to know how to format PCRE regexes.

Lindsay Evans suggested I use header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); in my PHP script for the header. Do you think this would be a temporary solution until I learn more about mod_rewrite?
I would say that it's a must. If your returning a content document then you need to be returning an HTTP code that reflects that. If the document isn't there then you need to reflect that too.

Hope this helps,

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