Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Carl Reynolds wrote:

There is a loop-hole in the license that allows anyone to copy any work you publish without requiring your permission or needing to pay any kind of royalty.

Can you provide a reference to back up this claim?

Unfortunately, I don't have a link. I was discussing Creative Commons with a friend a few months ago and he pointed me to some news articles about a decision that had been made last year (I don't remember if it was Executive or Judicial).

The decision involved a situation in which someone had used Creative Commons to "protect" their intellectual property and someone else had infringed on their property rights. The first person tried to recover damages and a decision was made that because of the way Creative Commons is written, the person who created the property had given away their intellectual property rights and had placed the property in the public domain. They therefore, had negated their copyright protection and had no recourse under the law.

I'm sorry for this vague answer. I don't have any more specific information at this time.


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