shawn cassick wrote:
i am currently recoding a page from sloppy html to xhtml 1.0 strict,

Why XHTML?  Search the archives for previous discussion on the topic.

my question is, how can i get around the span duplicate id defined,

Use a class name instead of an id.

as i use css to define a border around the title text, yes i thought of using 
h1, b,
etc. and relating the css to those tags, but the titles are to have pretty
much the same properties as the main text.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Use the correct semantic markup for titles and headings (h1 to h6, as appropriate) and then use stylesheets to style them in any way you want.

i have thought of using a div tag instead of a span and making the width auto,

Don't use either if you can avoid it, always use appropriate semantic markup.

Lachlan Hunt
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