Terrence Wood wrote:

> WAI level A is great because you can get there by accident
> (which makes me wonder why so many people just can't do it),
> but I really think e-gov needs to be achieving level 2 compliance.

Oh, I agree completely - I was just trying to set the bar low enough that at least some would pass ;-)

> Do you have any ideas on how to force government entities to comply?
> Personal accountability for stakeholders perhaps?

Apart from holding a gun to their heads? [sigh] I spent most of the 5 years from 2000 to 2005 trying to find ways to encourage NZ govt agencies to do this. I got more traction with commercial web developers than government agencies, sadly.

Which is not to say there aren't plenty of web people in the NZG who believe in accessibility and the Guildelines, because there are. But not their managers or senior managers, it appears.

I think we've got to go through the political reps and hold them accountable, to get them to put pressure on their portfolio agencies, but there always seems to be something with more priority.

> I think their advisors/suppliers (e-i-new media ltd and their ilk)
> should be held accountable as well - and that's easy to do, make it a
> term of the contract for services.

Yep, and many NZ govt agencies do put that in the contracts (which was one of the things we promoted in the Guidelines) but keeping the site compliant once it's built is a different matter.


Mark Harris

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