TuteC wrote:

Hello all!
I have a rather simple question: does it have any semantical meaning
the name of a div? For example, if I have a <div
class="Distributors"><h3>Distributors</h3></div>, will the search
engine understand the name of the div or di I need that h3 to do that?

How about <h3 title='Distributors'>Distributors</h3>? You really don't need the enclosing div. I'm not sure whether the title will help SE effectiveness, but IMHO title is semantically stronger than class... I think the main semantic weight comes more from the <h3> itself than from any CSS attributes it might have declared, though (although I'm happy to be corrected).

I know it has little sense and certainly I use also the h3, but it was
just a question I had.

Also, as <h3> means "Heading 3", what thas "div" mean?

Division. From Wikipedia: "DIV, an HTML tag which implements a generic block level object".



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