Tee G. Peng wrote:
Thanks to Eugenio, I was reading the article from sitepoint forum.

>>XHTML 1.1 deprecates the lang attribute (in favour of xml:lang) and also the name attribute for <a> and <map> >>tags. It also adds a number of elements for Ruby annotations.

I have a question about XHTM 1.1, Ruby annotations and validation.

I do CSS coding for a company that its clients' sites are developed in Ruby. Every time I receive a job, I am curious why they used XHTML 1.1 - I asked once but it was never answered. Now this part is clear with the article I'd just read. All jobs I received, the markup are full of errors (xhtml and html all mixed up), fixing the validation errors really isn't part of my job but I try my best to clean up as much as possible (no pay because I was not asked to do it) however sometimes it's just not possible to help fixing it because almost every page uses iframe that the code is generated from server.

I learned that XML is about well-formness and with XTHML, no markup error should exist or browsers give parsing errors - those sites are served with XML and XHTML 1.1, but none of the sites I visited ever broken.



Two different meanings of the word "Ruby": "its clients' sites are developed in Ruby" is the case of the Ruby programming language [1]. "It also adds a number of elements for Ruby annotations" is the case of special characters use to annotate ideographic languages [2].

[1] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_programming_language>
[2] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_character>

It sounds like they don't actually understand what XHTML is or how to produce it, they just want to believe they're using the latest cool thing.


Nick Fitzsimons

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