Tony Crockford wrote:
> the framed pages have *no* doctype - what would make them "strict"?
> and why, when they are part of a frameset would you try and validate
> them against a strict DTD?

Why do the framed pages not have a doctype Tony? I can't see anywhere in the article you reference where this is stated.

If you look at you will see that the example 'framed' document (init_dynamic.html) is given an HTML 4.01 Transitional doctype.

Whether it is an oversight in the spec or not it appears that target is only valid for a transitional doctype even when used in a frameset. This makes sense as there is nothing in the framed document that explicitly states that it should only be viewed as part of a frameset.

I don't think this thread is going anywhere any more. Most, if not all, the people on this list are probably never going to use another frameset. If anyone does the answer is to use a transitional doctype for documents other than the frameset itself.


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