On 22 Aug 2006, at 1:28 PM, Micky Hulse wrote:

Nick Gleitzman wrote:
Know of any other sites that have completely dropped CSS support for IE5.2/Mac and/or IE5.0/PC?
Re IE5/Mac: see the thread from August 4, 'Re: [WSG] Support for IE5/Mac? (was Browser stats)'.

Ah, hehe, sorry if I brought-up a convo that has been already started.

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was criticising; that previous thread doesn't really answer your question anyway, but it does give you some options (and rationale) on how to go about it. Just thought you'd be interested.

Reading that thread now.

I guess I am just a bit surprised to see more and more sites doing something to force their users to upgrade. I guess if I were an IE 5.2/Mac user, I would prefer this over seeing a broken layout.

Hmm... 'force' is too strong a word. We should never 'force' our visitors to do anything! But *inviting* them to upgrade by serving a plain text site - nothing wrong with that. Absolutely preferable to a broken layout, IMO.

Oh - and a recent peruse of one of my sites' stats showed a (thankfully singular) visitor using ... wait for it ... Explorer 1.0. I guess there's no helping some people...

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