This has clearly veered off topic, and I'm just waiting for a moderator
comment... :)

It's not really that complicated.  Just look for a capital letter
following a period, pay attention to quoted strings, and Mr., Ms., etc.
and replace the intervening white space(s) with "  ".  I use a
couple simple preg_replaces to solve it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Street
Subject: Re: [WSG] Re: [css-d] Double space after a period]

I'd argue non breaking spaces are better if you're trying to automate
it, because catching double spaces and making them "  " or "
 " is generally lots safer than trying to catch periods -- "i.e.
blah" becomes "i.e.  blah" if you're checking for ". " or, if you're
just searching for periods, "i. e.  blah" which is just getting
ridiculous. But that has little to do with markup and everything to do
with server side fun (fun, but not on this list), so I'll leave it
alone for now.

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