Ron Jonk wrote:
I've read it before in this list that backgound rendering on xhtml on
 the body is not always supported for xhtml strict documents.

Background rendering in itself is always supported.

On firefox when I have a background image for my body tag on a xhtml strict doctyped document, I still see the background rendered even if
there is no content.

If (correct)...
MIME type from server: text/html

- All browsers should handle it as a regular HTML(4.01) document -
regardless of doctype/extension.

Example: <>

But when I only change the extension of the file from .html to .xhtml
firefox stops background rendering when there is no content. IE still renders the background.

If (correct)...
MIME type from server: application/xhtml+xml

- Firefox should handle it as predefined XML where body is just another
container that doesn't take up any space unless you give it one. So, you
may not get any background.
- IE/win shouldn't handle the document at all since it doesn't
understand the MIME type. *If* IE/win does handle the document, then the
MIME type isn't correct (for whatever reason) or it isn't handled
correct, and the document is probably handled as a regular HTML(4.01)
document - regardless of doctype/extension.

Example: <>

Browsers can tell you what they are being served.
In Firefox check 'Tools --> Page Info'.
For IE/win, read here...


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