Did you mean 160F or C? I have read the latest temps after pushing the PMG 
pretty heavily (200 down to 100 amps for some 20 seconds or so) and read 212F. 
I think the temp sensor is a good idea, have one of the mini-eight fan 
assemblies on the way. Found this pie-plate-looking thing at home depot that 
will attach to the brush side of the motor and force cool air into the motor 
and out of the shaft side of the motor. Baffles me, the idea to overlook 
cooling air in the design of the motor, also why not mae the housing of 
aluminum with cooling fins or just have fins in the existing frame. Silly 
really. Still thinking the pancake motor a great choice for two wheeled vehicle.

VF500 Franken'ceptor (575 miles, one charger bit the dust, 60 mph - 18 mile 

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Jul 17, 2007 9:07 PM
>To: ElectricMotorcycles <listserv@electricmotorcycles.net>
>Subject: Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] Throw another Etek on the barbie
>>Wow. Mike when you kill 'em, you kill 'em dead as a hammer.
>I remember my first year in college.  I had an instructor who told 
>me, "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right."  He never did 
>anything half way.  He's my hero to this day. Ha ha.
>>separately excited motor (no field to excite). Methinks some current 
>>limiting/temperature sensing is in order before I add another dead 
>>Etek to the pile.
>Yeah. Figure that out right away will ya?  I've got another etek in 
>the mail already.  My very limited knowledge in matters such as this 
>is to toss a Dallas Semiconductor temp probe on the motor and a relay 
>on a cooling fan all bundled to em dash.
>>Aluminum melts around 1600 F, so I doubt that the slag you see is 
>>aluminum. Solder goes liquid well below 500 F depending on the mix. 
>>It seems some form of ram/forced cooling is seriously in order for 
>>the Ezuki design.
>Oh, I know it's solder.  I zapped the motor with an IR thermometer 
>just a couple of minutes after melt down and read 160 F if any one 
>was curious.
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>Electric Motorcycle Listserv

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