Hi to everyone,
I am the one who wrote this little script. First I have to say that there was no harm meant to LittleSnitch in developing this script. The purpose was really to fill the whole created by the lack of CLI tool to mange LS. It is to my dismay that I discovered this security issue. I fully support the previous post by Arno. H. I think everything is covered thoroughly so I will keep this short. Some may say that when using UI scripting everything is possible, but a simple solution exists to this to. Require a user password to allow or deny an outgoing connection. It might be interesting to have the ability to turn off this protection as it might becoming annoying in the first few days of using LS when none of the rules are set up. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the script. Please use the address provided on the snitchctl's web page (http:// snitchctl.smurfturf.net/).

Matthieu Lalonde
aka xSmurf

Version: 3.1
GCS/IT/MU/SS C+++(++) M++++ UB+(++)>+++ L+ P+>++ W+++ w---- !O PS+++ PE-
Y+ PGP>++ t-- 5?(--) X- R* tv(+) b+ !DI D G e+ h+(++) d--(-) a- s:-
r-(---)>+ y+>++
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