
I cannot confirm this. I installed widget update today and LS detected its connection attempts correctly.


Am 30.10.2005 um 16:06 schrieb Saad Kadhi:

Hi there,

I downloaded Widget Update [1], a widget that checks if there are any updates for the other widgets installed on the Dashboard. Widget Update was able to access the Internet [2] and I am 100% sure I didn't see any alert from LS regarding this access.

I use LS 1.2.1 and I can see that I authorized/denied Internet access (using previous versions of LS) to widgets I installed during the last few months in the LS sys pref panel. And AFAICT, this is the first time I installed a widget while running 1.2.1.

Is this a known limitation of LS 1.2.1? Are there any workarounds?

[1] http://www.dashboardwidgets.com/showcase/details.php?wid=940
[2] It retrieves its data from http://www.dashboardwidgets.com/
Saad Kadhi - http://saadkadhi.blogspot.com/
"He who relieves the poor makes Ahura king"

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