I use DenyIP 1.1 to view what is connected. It can list user, domain/ip, port/node, protocol and application. It can also block a domain/ip. Its cleaner and easier than MacSniffer or Sniffles. Only irritation is you can't keep it on screen. (it autocloses if you click off of it)

It doesn't appear that the developer is updating or hosting it any more as their website is no longer active.

On Apr 5, 2006, at 3:24 PM, Daniel Wickes wrote:

I don't know how popular this would be with people but, personally, I'd really quite like a way to view all the current active connections from my computer.

I can use netstat to view all the connections but I have no idea what application those connections "belong" to. This is something I would assume Little Snitch would already know about, and I'd really like to be able to tell that the twenty connections to X.Y.Z all come from Safari (or whatever). Just a simple, pretty and easy to understand list with the name of the application (optionally the path, to help spot anything masquerading as something else, maybe), an icon, where it was connected to etc.

This idea could be taken a little further, and Little Snitch could give some sort of visual indicator (whether this be an icon, or the colour of the text) that distinguishes between the different types of connection (i.e. whether it's an allow once that is still active, an allow til quit or a permanent connection).

Possibly, if it were deemed worth adding, future enhancements could include adding showing the amount of data sent/received and the speed at which it did so in KB/s or whatever.

Playing devil's advocate I can see that people buy Little Snitch to stop them worrying about what's trying to connect out and it may, or may not, be beyond the "normal" user but for anyone like myself it is a very nice feature that would make (or have made, in my case) the decision to cough up the $$$ for Little Snitch even easier.

Anyways, just thought I'd put it out there.

        -- Dan
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