dawn added a comment.

In http://reviews.llvm.org/D15593#312571, @jingham wrote:

> I don't think this is sufficiently different from "target modules dump 
> line-tables" to warrant a separate command.  This seems more like a candidate 
> for a flag to "target modules dump line-tables" like --search-for-inlines or 
> something.  That would keep the command surface more manageable and also make 
> the option more discoverable, since you can get both variants in one place.

I first thought about adding it as an option to the line-table but decided 
against it because the information provided by each are just too different.

Dumping the tables gives you raw output from the CU's DWARF .debug_line 
entries, including end sequences, all files in the compilation unit, etc.:

  (lldb) target modules du line-table x.cpp
  Line table for /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp in `x
  0x0000000100000aa0: /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:12
  0x0000000100000ab6: /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:14
  0x0000000100000af2: /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:16
  0x0000000100000afa: /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:17
  0x0000000100000cc0: /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:6
  0x0000000100000ccb: /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:8
  0x0000000100000d20: /Users/dawn/tmp/./x.h:10
  0x0000000100000d2c: /Users/dawn/tmp/./x.h:10
  0x0000000100000d3b: /Users/dawn/tmp/./x.h:10

Whereas dumping the line entries gives you entries after they've been 
interpreted and sorted by lldb, and will not include any files other than the 
one(s) asked for:

  (lldb) target modules du line-entries x.h
  Lines for file x.h in compilation unit x.cpp in `x
  [0x0000000100000d00-0x0000000100000d10): /Users/dawn/tmp/./x.h:10
  [0x0000000100000d10-0x0000000100000d1b): /Users/dawn/tmp/./x.h:10
  [0x0000000100000d20-0x0000000100000d2c): /Users/dawn/tmp/./x.h:10
  [0x0000000100000d2c-0x0000000100000d3b): /Users/dawn/tmp/./x.h:10
  (lldb) target modules du line-entries x.cpp
  Lines for file x.cpp in compilation unit x.cpp in `x
  [0x0000000100000cc0-0x0000000100000ccb): /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:6
  [0x0000000100000ccb-0x0000000100000cdd): /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:8
  [0x0000000100000cdd-0x0000000100000cf1): /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:9
  [0x0000000100000aa0-0x0000000100000ab6): /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:12
  [0x0000000100000ab6-0x0000000100000af2): /Users/dawn/tmp/x.cpp:14

I'm fine with combining the two if we can find an interface that makes sense.  
'line-table' is not appropriate for the new command, and 
'\-\-search\-for\-inlines' doesn't convey the differences.  We could change 
'line-table' to 'lines', but then what?



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