jingham added a comment.

Okay.  So it seems like there are a couple of orthogonal differences here.

1. The current behavior requires that the the source file you pass in be a 
compile unit.  We don't search inside the line tables.  So for instance

target modules dump line-tables foo.h

would currently not dump anything.

2. We dump the whole line table for the given file, not just the lines from 
that file.

3. We show raw vrs. cooked line entries.

So it seems like your change is adding three flags

--compile-unit-only --only-explicit-matches --show-raw

or something.  The current behavior is:

--compile-unit-only true --only-explicit-matches false --show-raw true

and your command does:

--compile-unit-only false --only-explicit-matches true --show-raw false

Does that seem right.  If so, then we have to decide whether it is worth the 
effort to be able to tweak these three independently.



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