teemperor updated this revision to Diff 223007.
teemperor marked 2 inline comments as done.
teemperor added a comment.

- Addressed feedback (Thanks Gabor, Adrian & Shafik!)




Index: lldb/source/Plugins/ExpressionParser/Clang/ClangExpressionDeclMap.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/ExpressionParser/Clang/ClangExpressionDeclMap.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/ExpressionParser/Clang/ClangExpressionDeclMap.cpp
@@ -180,108 +180,20 @@
   return ret;
-namespace {
-/// This class walks an AST and ensures that all DeclContexts defined inside the
-/// current source file are properly complete.
-/// This is used to ensure that persistent types defined in the current source
-/// file migrate completely to the persistent AST context before they are
-/// reused.  If that didn't happen, it would be impoossible to complete them
-/// because their origin would be gone.
-/// The stragtegy used by this class is to check the SourceLocation (to be
-/// specific, the FileID) and see if it's the FileID for the current expression.
-/// Alternate strategies could include checking whether an ExternalASTMerger,
-/// set up to not have the current context as a source, can find an original for
-/// the type.
-class Completer : public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<Completer> {
-  /// Used to import Decl contents
-  clang::ASTImporter &m_exporter;
-  /// The file that's going away
-  clang::FileID m_file;
-  /// Visited Decls, to avoid cycles
-  llvm::DenseSet<clang::Decl *> m_completed;
-  bool ImportAndCheckCompletable(clang::Decl *decl) {
-    llvm::Expected<clang::Decl *> imported_decl = m_exporter.Import(decl);
-    if (!imported_decl) {
-      llvm::consumeError(imported_decl.takeError());
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (m_completed.count(decl))
-      return false;
-    if (!llvm::isa<DeclContext>(decl))
-      return false;
-    const clang::SourceLocation loc = decl->getLocation();
-    if (!loc.isValid())
-      return false;
-    const clang::FileID file =
-        m_exporter.getFromContext().getSourceManager().getFileID(loc);
-    if (file != m_file)
-      return false;
-    // We are assuming the Decl was parsed in this very expression, so it
-    // should not have external storage.
-    lldbassert(!llvm::cast<DeclContext>(decl)->hasExternalLexicalStorage());
-    return true;
-  }
-  void Complete(clang::Decl *decl) {
-    m_completed.insert(decl);
-    auto *decl_context = llvm::cast<DeclContext>(decl);
-    llvm::Expected<clang::Decl *> imported_decl = m_exporter.Import(decl);
-    if (!imported_decl) {
-      llvm::consumeError(imported_decl.takeError());
-      return;
-    }
-    m_exporter.CompleteDecl(decl);
-    for (Decl *child : decl_context->decls())
-      if (ImportAndCheckCompletable(child))
-        Complete(child);
-  }
-  void MaybeComplete(clang::Decl *decl) {
-    if (ImportAndCheckCompletable(decl))
-      Complete(decl);
-  }
-  Completer(clang::ASTImporter &exporter, clang::FileID file)
-      : m_exporter(exporter), m_file(file) {}
-  // Implements the RecursiveASTVisitor's core API.  It is called on each Decl
-  // that the RecursiveASTVisitor encounters, and returns true if the traversal
-  // should continue.
-  bool VisitDecl(clang::Decl *decl) {
-    MaybeComplete(decl);
-    return true;
-  }
-} // namespace
-static void CompleteAllDeclContexts(clang::ASTImporter &exporter,
-                                    clang::FileID file, clang::QualType root) {
-  clang::QualType canonical_type = root.getCanonicalType();
-  if (clang::TagDecl *tag_decl = canonical_type->getAsTagDecl()) {
-    Completer(exporter, file).TraverseDecl(tag_decl);
-  } else if (auto interface_type = llvm::dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceType>(
-                 canonical_type.getTypePtr())) {
-    Completer(exporter, file).TraverseDecl(interface_type->getDecl());
-  } else {
-    Completer(exporter, file).TraverseType(canonical_type);
-  }
 static clang::QualType ExportAllDeclaredTypes(
-    clang::ExternalASTMerger &merger, clang::ASTContext &source,
-    clang::FileManager &source_file_manager,
+    clang::ExternalASTMerger &parent_merger, clang::ExternalASTMerger &merger,
+    clang::ASTContext &source, clang::FileManager &source_file_manager,
     const clang::ExternalASTMerger::OriginMap &source_origin_map,
     clang::FileID file, clang::QualType root) {
+  // Mark the source as temporary to make sure all declarations from the
+  // AST are exported. Also add the parent_merger as the merger into the
+  // source AST so that the merger can track back any declarations from
+  // the persistent ASTs we used as sources.
   clang::ExternalASTMerger::ImporterSource importer_source(
-      source, source_file_manager, source_origin_map);
+      source, source_file_manager, source_origin_map, /*Temporary*/ true,
+      &parent_merger);
   clang::ASTImporter &exporter = merger.ImporterForOrigin(source);
-  CompleteAllDeclContexts(exporter, file, root);
   llvm::Expected<clang::QualType> ret_or_error = exporter.Import(root);
   if (ret_or_error) {
@@ -312,8 +224,9 @@
     auto scratch_ast_context = static_cast<ClangASTContextForExpressions *>(
     clang::QualType exported_type = ExportAllDeclaredTypes(
-        scratch_ast_context->GetMergerUnchecked(), *source.getASTContext(),
-        *source.getFileManager(), m_merger_up->GetOrigins(), source_file,
+        *m_merger_up.get(), scratch_ast_context->GetMergerUnchecked(),
+        *source.getASTContext(), *source.getFileManager(),
+        m_merger_up->GetOrigins(), source_file,
     return TypeFromUser(exported_type.getAsOpaquePtr(), &target);
   } else {
Index: lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/modern-type-lookup/libcxx/main.cpp
--- lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/modern-type-lookup/libcxx/main.cpp
+++ lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/modern-type-lookup/libcxx/main.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
 #include <utility>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <unordered_map>
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   std::pair<int, long> pair = std::make_pair<int, float>(1, 2L);
+  std::string foo = "bar";
+  std::map<int, int> map;
+  map[1] = 2;
+  std::unordered_map<int, int> umap;
+  umap[1] = 2;
   return pair.first; // Set break point at this line.
Index: lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/modern-type-lookup/libcxx/TestLibCxxModernTypeLookup.py
--- lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/modern-type-lookup/libcxx/TestLibCxxModernTypeLookup.py
+++ lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/modern-type-lookup/libcxx/TestLibCxxModernTypeLookup.py
@@ -18,3 +18,6 @@
         # Test a few simple expressions that should still work with modern-type-lookup.
         self.expect("expr pair", substrs=["(std::", "pair<int, long", "= (first = 1, second = 2)"])
+        self.expect("expr foo", substrs=["(std::", "string", "\"bar\""])
+        self.expect("expr map", substrs=["(std::", "map", "first = 1, second = 2"])
+        self.expect("expr umap", substrs=["(std::", "unordered_map", "first = 1, second = 2"])
Index: clang/lib/AST/ExternalASTMerger.cpp
--- clang/lib/AST/ExternalASTMerger.cpp
+++ clang/lib/AST/ExternalASTMerger.cpp
@@ -101,24 +101,103 @@
   ExternalASTMerger &Parent;
   ASTImporter Reverse;
   const ExternalASTMerger::OriginMap &FromOrigins;
+  /// @see ExternalASTMerger::ImporterSource::Temporary
+  bool TemporarySource;
+  /// Map of imported declarations back to the declarations they originated
+  /// from.
+  llvm::DenseMap<Decl *, Decl *> ToOrigin;
+  /// @see ExternalASTMerger::ImporterSource::Merger
+  ExternalASTMerger *SourceMerger;
   llvm::raw_ostream &logs() { return Parent.logs(); }
   LazyASTImporter(ExternalASTMerger &_Parent, ASTContext &ToContext,
                   FileManager &ToFileManager,
-                  const ExternalASTMerger::ImporterSource &_Source,
+                  const ExternalASTMerger::ImporterSource &S,
                   std::shared_ptr<ASTImporterSharedState> SharedState)
-      : ASTImporter(ToContext, ToFileManager, _Source.getASTContext(),
-                    _Source.getFileManager(),
+      : ASTImporter(ToContext, ToFileManager, S.getASTContext(),
+                    S.getFileManager(),
                     /*MinimalImport=*/true, SharedState),
-        Reverse(_Source.getASTContext(), _Source.getFileManager(), ToContext,
-                ToFileManager, /*MinimalImport=*/true),
-        FromOrigins(_Source.getOriginMap()) {}
+        Reverse(S.getASTContext(), S.getFileManager(), ToContext, ToFileManager,
+                /*MinimalImport=*/true),
+        FromOrigins(S.getOriginMap()), TemporarySource(S.isTemporary()),
+        SourceMerger(S.getMerger()) {}
+  llvm::Expected<Decl *> ImportImpl(Decl *FromD) override {
+    if (!TemporarySource || !SourceMerger)
+      return ASTImporter::ImportImpl(FromD);
+    // If we get here, then this source is importing from a temporary ASTContext
+    // that also has another ExternalASTMerger attached. It could be
+    // possible that the current ExternalASTMerger and the temporary ASTContext
+    // share a common ImporterSource, which means that the temporary
+    // AST could contain declarations that were imported from a source
+    // that this ExternalASTMerger can access directly. Instead of importing
+    // such declarations from the temporary ASTContext, they should instead
+    // be directly imported by this ExternalASTMerger from the original
+    // source. This way the ExternalASTMerger can safely do a minimal import
+    // without creating incomplete declarations originated from a temporary
+    // ASTContext. If we would try to complete such declarations later on, we
+    // would fail to do so as their temporary AST could be deleted (which means
+    // that the missing parts of the minimally imported declaration in that
+    // ASTContext were also deleted).
+    //
+    // The following code tracks back any declaration that needs to be
+    // imported from the temporary ASTContext to a persistent ASTContext.
+    // Then the ExternalASTMerger tries to import from the persistent
+    // ASTContext directly by using the associated ASTImporter. If that
+    // succeeds, this ASTImporter just maps the declarations imported by
+    // the other (persistent) ASTImporter to this (temporary) ASTImporter.
+    // The steps can be visualized like this:
+    //
+    //  Target AST <--- 3. Indirect import --- Persistent AST
+    //       ^            of persistent decl        ^
+    //       |                                      |
+    // 1. Current import           2. Tracking back to persistent decl
+    // 4. Map persistent decl                       |
+    //  & pretend we imported.                      |
+    //       |                                      |
+    // Temporary AST -------------------------------'
+    // First, ask the ExternalASTMerger of the source where the temporary
+    // declaration originated from.
+    Decl *Persistent = SourceMerger->FindOriginalDecl(FromD);
+    // FromD isn't from a persistent AST, so just do a normal import.
+    if (!Persistent)
+      return ASTImporter::ImportImpl(FromD);
+    // Now ask the current ExternalASTMerger to try import the persistent
+    // declaration into the target.
+    ASTContext &PersistentCtx = Persistent->getASTContext();
+    ASTImporter &OtherImporter = Parent.ImporterForOrigin(PersistentCtx);
+    // Check that we never end up in the current Importer again.
+    assert((&PersistentCtx != &getFromContext()) && (&OtherImporter != this) &&
+           "Delegated to same Importer?");
+    auto DeclOrErr = OtherImporter.Import(Persistent);
+    // Errors when importing the persistent decl are treated as if we
+    // had errors with importing the temporary decl.
+    if (!DeclOrErr)
+      return DeclOrErr.takeError();
+    Decl *D = *DeclOrErr;
+    // Tell the current ASTImporter that this has already been imported
+    // to prevent any further queries for the temporary decl.
+    MapImported(FromD, D);
+    return D;
+  }
+  /// Implements the ASTImporter interface for tracking back a declaration
+  /// to its original declaration it came from.
+  Decl *GetOriginalDecl(Decl *To) override {
+    auto It = ToOrigin.find(To);
+    if (It != ToOrigin.end())
+      return It->second;
+    return nullptr;
+  }
   /// Whenever a DeclContext is imported, ensure that ExternalASTSource's origin
   /// map is kept up to date.  Also set the appropriate flags.
   void Imported(Decl *From, Decl *To) override {
+    ToOrigin[To] = From;
     if (auto *ToDC = dyn_cast<DeclContext>(To)) {
       const bool LoggingEnabled = Parent.LoggingEnabled();
       if (LoggingEnabled)
@@ -322,9 +401,19 @@
+Decl *ExternalASTMerger::FindOriginalDecl(Decl *D) {
+  assert(&D->getASTContext() == &Target.AST);
+  for (const auto &I : Importers)
+    if (auto Result = I->GetOriginalDecl(D))
+      return Result;
+  return nullptr;
 void ExternalASTMerger::AddSources(llvm::ArrayRef<ImporterSource> Sources) {
   for (const ImporterSource &S : Sources) {
     assert(&S.getASTContext() != &Target.AST);
+    // Check that the associated merger actually imports into the source AST.
+    assert(!S.getMerger() || &S.getMerger()->Target.AST == &S.getASTContext());
         *this, Target.AST, Target.FM, S, SharedState));
Index: clang/include/clang/AST/ExternalASTMerger.h
--- clang/include/clang/AST/ExternalASTMerger.h
+++ clang/include/clang/AST/ExternalASTMerger.h
@@ -84,13 +84,22 @@
     ASTContext &AST;
     FileManager &FM;
     const OriginMap &OM;
+    /// True iff the source only exists temporary, i.e., it will be removed from
+    /// the ExternalASTMerger during the life time of the ExternalASTMerger.
+    bool Temporary;
+    /// If the ASTContext of this source has an ExternalASTMerger that imports
+    /// into this source, then this will point to that other ExternalASTMerger.
+    ExternalASTMerger *Merger;
-    ImporterSource(ASTContext &_AST, FileManager &_FM, const OriginMap &_OM)
-        : AST(_AST), FM(_FM), OM(_OM) {}
+    ImporterSource(ASTContext &AST, FileManager &FM, const OriginMap &OM,
+                   bool Temporary = false, ExternalASTMerger *Merger = nullptr)
+        : AST(AST), FM(FM), OM(OM), Temporary(Temporary), Merger(Merger) {}
     ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return AST; }
     FileManager &getFileManager() const { return FM; }
     const OriginMap &getOriginMap() const { return OM; }
+    bool isTemporary() const { return Temporary; }
+    ExternalASTMerger *getMerger() const { return Merger; }
@@ -106,6 +115,12 @@
   ExternalASTMerger(const ImporterTarget &Target,
                     llvm::ArrayRef<ImporterSource> Sources);
+  /// Asks all connected ASTImporters if any of them imported the given
+  /// declaration. If any ASTImporter did import the given declaration,
+  /// then this function returns the declaration that D was imported from.
+  /// Returns nullptr if no ASTImporter did import import D.
+  Decl *FindOriginalDecl(Decl *D);
   /// Add a set of ASTContexts as possible origins.
   /// Usually the set will be initialized in the constructor, but long-lived
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